BIMARKO - Blistry, opakowania typu blister, opakowania z folii, opakowania foliowe, opakowania z tworzyw sztucznych

The welded blister has an embossed area in the shape adjusted to the shape of the packaged product and it can be cut to the dimensions of choice, as specified by the Client.

The blister can be fused to a card covered with special heat-sealing lacquer, or to a second blister using the heat sealing method (or the high-frequency sealing method).

The blister can be equipped with an euro hanger in order to stiffen the whole packaging intended for heavier products.

The advantage of a blister of this type is complete tightness of the packaging.

Such a solution is often used in large-batch manufacturing, due to the easy packaging automation process. - Twoja Lepsza Strona

BIMARKO Gaj Oławski 53a; 55-200 OŁAWA; POLAND; tel. +48 71 31 39 146; tel. +48 530 758 672; e-mail: