BIMARKO - Blistry, opakowania typu blister, opakowania z folii, opakowania foliowe, opakowania z tworzyw sztucznych

A tube is a practical type of packaging that allows for aesthetic display of the packaged goods.
It is suitable for packaging GSM accessories, cosmetics, candles, alcohol, advertising gadgets, and sweets.

The tube can be made in the shape of a cylinder
or an oval from transparent, coloured or multi-coloured printed foil.

The underside and lid of the tube can be made
of transparent or coloured foil.

The possibility of using an internal part positioner allows for an interesting presentation of the product. - Twoja Lepsza Strona

BIMARKO Gaj Oławski 53a; 55-200 OŁAWA; POLAND; tel. +48 71 31 39 146; tel. +48 530 758 672; e-mail: